Monday, January 19, 2015

Comings & goings.....

AS355N G-ORDH has been back into the paintshop for removal of the Homeserve logo for onward sale after owner has taken delivery of new Bell 429 M-HRPN (pictured left) which is now operational.

Bell 206B JetRanger G-NEWZ is in for a repaint, should leave first week of Feb.

Sister ship to the recently repainted AS350B G-SHRD has now come to Thruxton for the same paint job, G-ERKN will be here for a week or two & should roll out in the brilliant Lamborghini orange mid to late Feb.

Recently sold AS355F1 G-WDKR & now re-registered to G-OALI is in for a complete repaint, it was looking quite tired having had the ex ETPS red white & blue for a number of years, not sure what scheme new owners Atlas Helicopters of Lee-on-Solent want applied, we will have to wait & see when it departs mid Feb......

JetRanger G-HPAD is now on the field & is being broken up for spares use by Heliwork.

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